A question that came from a vegetarian – “Is it ok to eat a cup of flaxseed daily? My gym instructor has asked me to take fish because its good for my heart, but I don’t want to start eating non-veg. So, he asked me to take 1 cup of flaxseed everyday.” If gym instructors were qualified in nutrition and dietetics, they would not dole out such advise!
Firstly, it’s not important for vegetarians to start eating fish or any form of meat for good health. Secondly, if meat eaters get their omega 3 fats from fish, the vegetarians can get it from flaxseed and walnut. However, it’s not necessary to eat a cup of flax everyday. 1 to 2 tablespoons is the suggested quantity as of now.
You can find whole flaxseed as well as the powdered form in many supermarkets. Powdered flax is easier to consume. Add it in your breakfast cereal or soup or sabji or dal or smoothie or pasta or any other dish.