Many stories and anecdotes surround mono sodium glutamate which is commonly referred to as MSG. Headache, sweating, burning, pain, weakness, nausea, etc have been associated with the intake of MSG although research has yet to prove the connection. Commonly termed ‘Chinese restaurant syndrome’ because people believe that the symptoms appear after they have eaten a Chinese meal, MSG is commonly used in many Chinese dishes.
MSG was first discovered in Japan more than a hundred years ago. Today MSG is used in processed meats, canned vegetables, sauces, soups, apart from Chinese cooking. The US FDA regards MSG as safe for consumption but mandates the ingredient to be listed on the food label.
People on a sodium-restricted diet will need to restrict or avoid the use of MSG because of its sodium content. Also, if you have a reaction after eating food with MSG, it’s best to avoid MSG in your food.
As of today, MSG is not considered harmful, but we don’t know what research will tell us some years later.