Sleep Deprivation Can Increase Body Weight
January 2, 2014

Wish you All, a Peaceful, Prosperous & Healthy 2014!!  Thank you for following my blog for a year.  Do share the blog with your friends and family members.

We’re starting this year by talking about sleep deprivation and body weight.  Never thought that the two would be connected, right?  More and more studies on sleep are telling us that the lack of it can cause a host of health problems including weight gain.

Lack of adequate sleep can disrupt the hunger hormones (ghrelin & leptin), increase food cravings, reduce energy expenditure and favour fat storage in the body.  This is a great formula for weight gain and associated problems. 

Lack of adequate sleep can also affect us mentally – increase irritability, reduce the ability to concentrate, affect mood, etc.

Ensure that you get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep at night.  If you cannot manage it at a stretch, take a short nap during the day to give your mind and body sufficient rest.