Tag Archives: avocado
May 23, 2013

Some of you might have tried the winning salad that I published last week. Here’s the recipe of another salad that won in the contest. This was made by Kirthika Nallan Chakravathy.


Avocado (ripe) – 1
Fresh cream – 1/4 cup
Milk – 1/4 cup
Onion – 1
Tomato (chopped) – 1
Garlic – 1
Lemon juice –  quarter cup
Cilantro – 2 to 3 stalks
Groundnuts (boiled) – 5 to 6
Green chili – 1
Salt to taste
Sugar – a pinch
Pepper – a pinch

For Presentation:
Carrot (boiled)
Cottage Cheese
Potato (boiled)
Beetroot (boiled)

Method of preparation:
Chop onion and mix it with boiled groundnuts.  Scoop the pulp of the avocado and mash it until it forms a paste. To it add the cream, milk, garlic, green chili, cilantro, sugar and salt and blend them together in a mixer.  Take 3/4 of the paste and add it to the onion-groundnut mixture.  Add a pinch of pepper to it.  Leave the bowl in the refrigerator or on top of ice for about 15 to 30 minutes for it to chill. At the end of 20 minutes, add chopped tomato.

For the “cube” part of the salad, boil carrot, potato, beetroot in separate containers, so that their colors don’t mix.  Cut the carrot, beetroot, cottage cheese and potato to even sized cubes and arrange them to resemble a Rubik’s cube.  Use the remaining 1/4 avocado paste to glue the cubes together, sprinkle some salt and lemon juice on the cube.  Make another Rubik’s cube of the same kind.  Place the cubes on either side of the chilled salad.  Use lettuce leaves for presentation.

Fresh and chilled “cube cado” is ready to be served.


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April 22, 2013

Omana, a dear friend, recently returned from Chile.  She gave us some interesting insights into Chilean cuisine.  Perhaps there’s a Spanish influence in their food, but Chilean cuisine contains 3 popular vegetables – lettuce, tomato and potato.  Avocado is widely used in their dishes.  Avocado is rich in mono unsaturated fats (the good variety).  Meats, sea food, breads, corn form the carbs and protein sources in their diet.  Pisco, aka Pisco Sour, is the local and most popular drink in Chile.  Quinoa is also popular here because it’s one of their major crops.  Compared to many other grains, quinoa has good amounts of protein.

If any of you have more inputs on Chilean cuisine, do share.

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