Tag Archives: feet
April 25, 2013

After I posted the last piece on Foot Problems in Diabetics 2 days ago, I received a couple of emails asking for information on preventing the problems.  So, here are simple steps to take care of your feet, especially if you are diabetic –

  • Keep a check on your blood sugar levels and maintain it within normal limits.
  • Check your feet everyday.
  • Wash them daily and keep them clean.
  • Keep the skin soft and smooth.
  • Wear well fitting shoes always.  Use socks or slippers at home, so that they are better protected at all times.
  • Protect your feet from extreme heat and cold conditions.
  • Visit a podiatrist (foot specialist) if you have any problems.

Do not neglect the health of your feet!

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April 23, 2013

Diabetics are more prone to problems in their feet than non-diabetics.  If left untreated, it can lead to amputation.  There are several reasons for diabetics to develop foot problems……

  1. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels.
  2. Poorly fitted shoes.
  3. Reduced blood circulation in the feet due to hardening of the arteries.
  4. Injury (either external or internal) to the foot.
  5. Fungal infection.
  6. Walking barefoot, specially on uneven surface.
  7. Smoking, which causes damage to the small blood vessels in the feet.
  8. Improper care of feet.
  9. Foot deformities.
  10. Lack of awareness of diabetic foot care.

If you, your family member, or friend has diabetes, ensure that the feet are not neglected. 

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